Did you attend Meltdown in the Desert 2 at Galvanize this weekend?
The event, dubbed the summer’s hottest social media and entrepreneurship conference, occurred for the second year in a row on Saturday and Sunday June 24th and 25th. The weekend began with keynotes from speakers like Quest Nutrition co-founder Tom Bilyeu, actor Sean Whalen, Order of Man founder Ryan Michler, and several others. Workshops led by local entrepreneurs Dom Faussette, Tony Grebmeier, Dan Henry, Amanda Pittenger, Eric Bakey, Aaron Pierson, and Steve Messa followed in Galvanize’s brand new classrooms.
While many entrepreneurial events concentrate on growing one’s business, Meltdown in the Desert had more of a personal focus. The event’s keynotes and workshops covered topics like “mindset, relationships, and the importance of balance” and “balancing your business and personal life as an entrepreneur.” Though Meltdown in the Desert does focus heavily on social media marketing, the strategies discussed at the event had a lot to do with personal brand and using one’s story to succeed in business.
Saturday featured Meltdown in the Desert’s first women’s panel, which featured local women entrepreneurs Rebecca Fielding, Yin Lin, Olenka Cullinan, Jennifer Didier, Dee LaVigne, and Jennifer Hudye. The panel touched upon success in using social media to market a business and overcoming adversity in entrepreneurship.
The power at Galvanize went out halfway through Sunday’s events, but that didn’t stop Meltdown in the Desert; rather than relying on PowerPoint presentations, videos, or sound equipment, speakers and attendees shared their stories of perseverance with the crowd in a tight huddle. The 115 degree heat was no match for this year’s troupe. Everyone’s spirits were simply too high to let the positive energy stop flowing.
Meltdown in the Desert 2 ended with a VIP pool party at The W in Scottsdale.Dorothy Huynh, founder of The Pen & Barbell, said at the event: “I love the people, the connections, the speakers. We’re sharing our stories and our struggles, being vulnerable and open. It’s things like this that bring people together, and that’s something I really love.”
If you missed this year’s Meltdown in the Desert social media and entrepreneurship conference, keep your eye out for tickets to next year’s event!