Car seat? Check. Blankets? Check. A virtual scrapbook app and a pacifier that reads your baby’s temperature? We’ll let you think about those.
Parents have thousands of choices when it comes to baby apps and products, but these ones are special—essential, if you will. If you’re a new parent, these eight apps and gadgets are for you (and the baby).
Baby Bundle
Dubbed “the essential one-stop baby app,” Mumsnet’s comprehensive application helps parents connect, learn, and track the important stuff. Baby Bundle allows multiple users (parents, older siblings, babysitters and the like) to update the app with information on a baby’s last feeding, diaper change, nap, and more. Users receive updates on articles related to childcare and child development straight from the app. Baby Bundle also provides an in-app baby monitor, growth tracking, and medical appointment reminders. Parents looking for a loving community from which to learn can use the app to chat with other moms and dads through the Mumsnet forums.
Lifecake by Canon offers parents a place to share their children’s milestones through virtual photo timelines. Parents simply enter the child’s birthdate, snap a photo (or video), and publish the media to a semi-private network consisting of the user and his or her friends and family. Lifecake uses the child’s birthdate to stamp each photo with the child’s exact age, down to the day. After building up a bit of a scrapbook, parents and their loved ones can scroll through the app to see their child laugh and grow—all in chronological order.
Mom Maps
Some restaurants and museums don’t exactly want a little one skipping around the premises. Luckily, Mom Maps allows parents to find places that don’t mind. The app takes users’ zip code or GPS coordinates to find child-friendly parks, playgrounds, restaurants, museums, and other public spaces in their area. Mom Maps is perfect for planning the next playdate!
Cloud Baby Monitor
The Cloud Baby Monitor app allows parents to keep an eye on their little ones without breaking the bank. Moms and dads simply download the app onto an iPhone, iPod Touch, or Macbook, then set the device up in view of the crib. The microphone and camera on the chosen device delivers crystal-clear audio and video monitoring to the parent’s device (including Apple TV and Apple Watch). Parents can also remote-control the “child device” to play white noise and music, turn on a nightlight, and more from their own devices.
Summer Infant Pacifier Thermometer
Summer Infant’s pacifier thermometer looks and feels like a normal pacifier, but it reads your baby’s temperature, too! The tiny screen glows green, orange, and red depending on how far the baby is from his or her ideal temperature. This “device” even comes with a protective cover for travel and clean storage.
Prince Lionheart Portable Bottle Warmer
You may not need this during the summer months, but it’s useful for most of the year. The Prince Lionheart portable bottle warmer lets parents heat bottles on the go with internal warming crystals and without any cords. The push of a button keeps food and drinks warm for approximately two hours. Simply boil the warmer in water when you get home to re-activate.
Munchkin Baby In-Sight® Mirrors
Munchkin produces a variety of portable car mirrors for children, but the best ones play music and let fun lights dance across the surface. Munchkin Baby In-Sight® mirrors allow you to keep an eye on your little one while providing them with a calming source of entertainment. These mirrors strap onto car seats and play relaxing music as soft lights fade in and out. They come with remotes, too, so you can turn off the music once your baby falls asleep.
MobiSante Smartphone Ultrasound
Why wait for your next doctor visit to check on your baby? With the MobiSante smartphone ultrasound system, you can check for yourself. The device plugs into your smartphone and is easy to learn for quick, simple use. A little over-the-top? Maybe. But seeing a little gray shape flit around on a screen is enough to build tons of excitement and create a little piece of mind.
Did you download any of the listed apps? Add those cool gadgets to your registry, too, before it’s too late. What are your favorite parenting or baby-related apps and gadgets?